Hello folks and welcome to the new CrossFit Reading Blog.
As some of you are aware there have been some great and major changes happening with CFR and our members. We‘ll let you all know about these changes in the coming months, as well as let you in on the goings on at our affiliate.
First for those who do not know who we are, check out http://www.crossfitreading.co.uk/. Then come back here and read what we live for. If the mood then takes you, come and check us out. We welcome everyone but @**h*les.
For our members, thanks for all your support the past couple of years.
You are the reason this blog has come to place. It is where we will let you know about what we are doing to take our affiliate to the next stage. It is where we will highlight your achievements. It will be where you can remind yourselves and let others know of what is possible if you believe and give your all.
Okay, as a first post, it’s pertinent that the topic to start this new blog off is about one of the major changes that is taking place and is reflective of a new start for CFR. We have actively been looking for a permanent home for our training and our members. Somewhere where we don’t have to worry about finishing on time, getting double booked and threatened with expulsion if we put another hole in the floor.
We’ve already been working really hard looking at a some potential spaces and er…what can I say? We’re having have to look really hard to find something that’s habitable for species that have evolved to walking on two feet. That’s the first challenge. The second challenge is actually getting some positive help and advice from leeches that are supposed to be ‘selling’ potential spaces for their clients to us (More on this later). We'll let you see some of the places we've checked out over the past few weeks.